viernes, 18 de enero de 2013


to World public opinion: 
Facing the execrable murder of three Kurdish activists in the city of Paris, on January 9 Finally, the People's Movement of Peru Daughters pronounced:
1.        With profound indignation we condemn this vile political assassination, this not extinguishes if not that fans the flames  calling for a solution to a case that involves more than 30 million Kurds.
2.      We stand in solidarity with the just struggle of the Kurdish people for their fundamental rights and especially the recognition of their rights as Kurdish people, today they're looking a political solution to the State of Turkey by the Workers' Party of Kurdistan (PKK), headed by its leader Abdullah Occalam, who is prisoner and in isolation for 17 consecutive years.
3.       As a women's organization of the people of Peru, we sympathize and support the active participation of women in the just cause of Kurdistan, these women that  we  felt that they are our comrades of fight. So right in this moment in that  indignation and grief bind, we unite in solemn tribute to fallen comrades in Paris

Comrades Sakine, Fidan y Leyla ¡ Are with us!

 Perú, Enero de 2013.                                         MOVIMIENTO HIJAS DEL PUEBLO DEL PERÚ

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